The History Of The Basic Roamer
The Basic Roamer was designed many years ago by the Gentleman Tony Reynolds. He realised the need for a device that was both compact and at the same time remained accurate within it’s working environment. His original design passed through many stages of development, he listened and gathered enthusiastic information from his friends and indeed many competitors that had been introduced to his then, latest version. Even a laminated model was introduced but this proved inconsistent and suffered from an inherent twist. So, after wearing out yet another drawing board Tony persevered until this, the MkV was born. Development regarding the Roamer 6 followed similar lines once a 1:25 000 market had been realised. And of course, a clever play on the name ensured that copyright’s remain unaffected!
What is a Basic Roamer?
Roamer 5: This is a device that enables the user to carry out various functions when used in conjunction with any 1:50 000 scale map worldwide. The “bread & butter” scale on the Roamer 5, (found on it’s North East corner) will enable the user to work out and “plot” an accurate six figure (100m sq) or eight figure (10m sq) map reference in seconds. Indeed the Roamer 5 boasts over 20 separate features many of which, including the above, can be viewed here. Measuring just 120 x 64mm (5km to scale in length, 2 miles deep) this compact and flexible tool is used in a multitude of activities.
Roamer 6v2: This re-introduced product found fame in the late eighties early nineties with, initially stage navigators utilizing them in the forests, claiming it’s accuracy “second to none”. Moreover the Roamer 6v2 is used by walkers & just about anyone using the 1:25 000 OS Explorer series map. It is also used in various county council office environments. The Roamer 6v2 also boasts many features, some of which can be viewed here. Measuring just 100 x 100mm the “6” does in fact encompass a 1:50 000 scale making it all the more adaptable in certain situations.
Roamer Endurance: Amongst its many features, Roamer Endurance is predominantly based around the 1:100 000 scale which makes it ideal for use in conjunction with the Philips Navigator or OS Touring map series. Developed with the Endurance & Revival status events in mind, this Roamer also boasts 1:50 000 & the old favourite 1:63 360 (1in/1ml scale.) View the layout here. In the same format as the 6v2, Black on Clear, the Basic Roamer Endurance also boasts zero parallax error.
Following the unique printing stage, each Basic Roamer travels through a precise hand finishing process thus adding to the infamous accuracy found only with this particular product…