BRCo BASIC Average speed tables
BRCo BASIC Average speed tables
Our very own BASIC mph/kph Average Speed Tables.
£18.95 – £49.95
Our very own BASIC mph/kph Average Speed Tables.
Developed with simplicity in mind the tables utilise the left / right method.
Each set consists of forty removeable double sided A4 hd sheets all contained in a display book which can be folded in half if required.
One advantage of this system is that only the values nescessary to the event you are competing on need be selected.
As one of our initial trials crew found out whilst evaluating our tables… they won!
Each horizontal line of data equates to 1ml / 1km in distance divided into 0.1ml / 0.1km increments.
Vertical max equates to 25ml/ 25km (Tables are of course the same for both!)
Each alternate line is shaded for extra confidence with the due elapsed time directly below each distance figure.
I have listed below just a selection of web pages that may help in your understanding of this subject…